Monday, October 27, 2008

The one, true, love.

Cola. Soda. POP.  Coca-Cola Classic.  Coke.  My beloved... no really.  That slightly sugary, fizzy, thirst-quencher is my boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend to be exact.  

On my recent surge to become healthy(something slightly difficult when you are poor) and fit, I gave up my dear friend and lover, Coca-Cola Classic.  Yes some could say, drink diet! Or Zero! Or Diet DR. Pepper.  But really I have one trusie, and that's CCC.  But really I realized how much my tall glass of corn syrup and flavorings was really affecting my health... and I had to break both our hearts.

It's been three months since I've known the pleasure of an Icy Cold Coke. I've been cheating, though. Only recently did I discover through the Red Bull girls (that substance even worse than Coke) who visit my workplace every month or so that there is a new, hot cola on the market. Red Bull Cola.  I don't want to say too much out of respect for my dear love Coke, but things are kind of working out between me and Red Bull Cola.  I know it's a temporary fling, as it's trendy, no preservatives or artificiality, and totes Vegan!!  Really my heart does belong to Coca but I just need this affair. I promise I will go back to abstaining from all soda pops once this thing is through to remember my lost love...

These dirty health food tricksters were in on the second RB COLA encounter... and here I though I was getting some Right Wing Junkfoodz and I really got some healthy cornstarch bullshit!  
These are bullshit chips!! And yes they are eligible for this blog.  Glenny's American Fries...potato starch, bland , cardboard blarf.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lay's OG 'Classic'

Classic. O-ridge.  The standby.  Perfect with any piece of chocolate. Crisp, salty, greazzzy, and nutty.  The go-to snack when you are in 7-Eleven after being up for nearly 40 hours and you need something to go with those Oreo Cakesters, cookie dough ice cream, and a hazelnut coffee.  

I realized last night that you can predict the outcome of the election polls by just visting your local 7-Eleven that happens to carry Obama blue cups or McCain red cups.  I must admit this is quite
 smart of the big wigs in kwik-e-mart land.  They know before anyone else according to their inventory of election cups who will take the prize November 4th.  

At this particular Miracle Mile 7-Eleven I was puttering around in, it seems the demographic that picks up a burrito and Frozen Coke at 2:45am is also voting a landslide for Obama.  McCain's cups were lonely and untouched while Obama's were in need of a re-stock.  It could be that the demographic purchasing flavors at 7-Eleven would definitely not be interested in McCa
in's cups, just as they aren't interested in his politics.  Even the McCain voters aren't McCain supporters, so they just opt for the "I'm Undecided" normal 7-Eleven cup as to not attract the disapproving looks from people who want to stop them for a lecture on why they are wrong for choosing McCain on the way to their 80k a year job.

These classic Lay's are complimenting my Frosted Fugde Brownie by Audie deliciously this lazy Sunday in bed not cleaning my house in preparation of the arrival of my second oldest sister and momz.  Once again I'm licking the bag.  Please feel shame for me because clearly I have none.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


My new favorite Sharpie is the ultrrra fine point in Aqua as it provides the perfect shade of teal for my homemade Herr's Potato Chip bag tattoo on my inner ankle.