Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Final Farewell

Come to this show!  This Friday @ L'Keg Gallery in Echo Park.  I'm showing a few of my inferior shots while true artists will be displaying some breathtaking ones.  Did I mention there will be drinks too?  

5 clams, don't be cheap.  1170 Glendale Blvd. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What the Dill-io?

My awesome boss brought me Dill Pickle potato chips today, fresh from her homeland, Canada.  

What a lovely present that I was far too eager to unwrap.  I hadn't even left the store before my hands were buried deep in the bag, stealing crisp after crisp before I could get them home and treat them right with the pairing of a Hershey's Bar (or another S'more as that's the way I'm swinging as of yesterday).

Today I planned on partaking in Herr's Salt and Vin with the Sugar Free Chocolate Frozen Yogurt from Yogurt Haven but the sugar demons were out to get me and YH was not in possession of the yummy low calorie treat.  Therefore I succumbed to them and ordered the deadly Milk Chocolate flavor.  I didn't even add a bag of chips to my devilish delight as I felt guilty enough.  At least I showed some restraint.  As long as I don't have a Coca-Cola Classic...

The Dill Pickle chips are incredible.  Perfect, exploding with flavor, and I wish I could eat 20 bags of them all tonight. 

A blessing and a curse.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Herr's Sour Cream & Onion

Sou Crems and On. Two major thumbs up! Fine family fun.  Especially with S'mores.  yes I've fallen.  I avoided the sugar and then a clever gift of a Nerd Rope showed in a Transfer from my old store in Pittsburgh to my new one.  It overjoyed me and I just had to eat it. Only a halfsies...I split it.  But then it set off a chain of events that led to an entire box of nerds in front of my face.  Peer pressure gave way and I had just a few.  Then it was all about the sweeties nipped here and there.  Dessert twice this weekend led me to an all out binge on S'mores this evening.  I just can't resist the thought of chocolate and potato chips. The perfect combo. The deadly ones.  I welcome you diabetes. Me and Wilford Brimley will live out our lives in insulin glory.  But at least we had a good time while it lasted....

MsG Presents: Herr's Salt and Pepper

Salt and Pepper.  There is something that seems so simple about it.  We (well us normal peeps, whatup!?) salt and pepper our potatoes of all form.  Yes potatoes are naturally yummy but us seasoned ones want a little more something on our spuds.  However, one doesn't see the Salt & Pepper Potato Chip (Crisp) around too often.  Perhaps because all the imaginative potato chip flavor doctors are busy at work thinking of a fabulous new concoction of perfectly interesting and tasty potato crisps.  Most of these flavor doctors over look the simple taste of salt and pepper on a potato. 

The fab dudes at Herr's clearly look at all the levels of taste.  Tastiness!  Oy...I say such things. They throw MSG and cheat a little by adding some garlic powder and a few other flavor enhancers and take this simple combo of Salt and Pepper  and transform it to a Season-Salt chip...dear friend to season lovers like us.

Yums to you Herr's. And thanks.