Friday, January 30, 2009


Since I've returned, my goal is to stay fit
. Hiking several miles each day, eating nothing but hard boiled eggs, hummus and vegetables (with many attempts at finishing shwarma and falafel pitas) all while drinking enough water for the clearest urine in the land left me feeling quite svelte.  

Not only does my body look better, my brain feels better sans the herb.  In hopes of completing the circle of healthy mind, body, soul, I finally signed up for my Los Angeles Public library card.  There is a book I've been anxious to read and did a little research last night to find the closest library to my humble Valley abode. Echo Park was the location closest with the book in stock so this afternoon after a little Bonnie Hunt Show (I can't help it) and some sit-ups, I made my way to the east side.  

When I got there, the friendly clerk supplied me with my shiny new key to knowledge and culture.  I made my way to the Fiction section only to find exactly what I was not in search of.  A few minutes at the computer delivered some frustration and disappointment. The book I drove specifically to that branch for (I check last night and right before I left my house) was 'in transit'.  Foiled.  

To make-up for it, I picked out a half dozen compact discs and went on my way.  On the drive up Temple, I noticed a juice place and hoping to find pomegranate juice, I stopped.  No pom, no grapefruit but I did discover a brand of potato chips , Rusty's Island Chips . 

Amongst the array of healthy snacks and juice smoothies at the Tribal Cafe, I chose Rusty and his thick, crunchy taters. Apparently they are hand made chips, something you rarely see.  They complimented my Ginger Carrot soup mush and water with basil (?) and lemon quite nicely. A pretty standard kettle chip, however less greasy and cleaner tasting than the competition.  The intense crunch did cause some alarm for the safety of my gums, however. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww my babyhead is feeding her brain!!